Ducey Threatens City Officials—Abbott Gets Special Treatment

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is busy tying up loose ends in his public illness campaign. This time, he has issued an executive order threatening city officials with arrest and prosecution if they require vaccines for their workers.  

Because of course he has. We mustn't force people to take a vaccine that has been proven safe and effective over 357 million times in the U.S., including 7 million times in Arizona, and is the only thing known that can bring the pandemic to an end.

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero isn't having it. She issued a statement that is worth quoting at length:

Governor Ducey is paving the way for COVID-19 to spread uncontrollably throughout our state, and attempting to impede those of us who believe in science-based solutions at the local level. After consulting with our City Attorney, it is clear that this Executive Order is legally meaningless. The action that Mayor and Council took last Friday will remain in full effect.  Governor Ducey must stop prioritizing his political aspirations over the health and well-being of Arizonans. We have seen the deadly repercussions of similar approaches by the Governors of Texas and Florida, yet Governor Ducey is consciously deciding to head down the same path knowing full well what the consequences are. Governor Ducey is playing a deadly game of one-upmanship that will lead to preventable hospitalizations and deaths.

You go girl!

Meanwhile, Ducey's fellow COVIDiot Governor Greg Abbott of Texas announced that he has tested positive. He is also getting Regeneron antibody treatment, the same one that saved T****'s sorry ass.  That treatment is normally reserved for seriously ill patients.  Unless the patient has connections, apparently, and needs to be shielded from the consequences of their own idiotic policies.

Both these guys, along with their comrade DeSantis, may be digging their political graves, and we can only pray its true. There is reason to be optimistic. New polling indicates that most people aren't enjoying the clown show, though there is the usual Dem/Rep and Urban/Rural divide. Here is an infographic from Axios summarizing the results:

Solid majorities favor masks in schools and public places, and employers requiring vaccines, and reject government restrictions on local actions. In other words, the opposite of what the governors are doing.

Geez only 30% of Republicans favor the kind of action Ducey just took! Doug, it might be a good idea to review the First Law of Holes.


This just in: Ducey is adding a carrot to his stick. He is will give schools $1800 per student from American Rescue Plan funds. But only if they play ball and support his anti-mask policies.  What a dick.

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