Gov. Florida Man Wants Cruises Back But Bans Thing That Would Allow Them


On one hand, Governor and Florida Man in Chief Ron DeSantis badly wants cruise ships to resume service in Florida. On the other hand, he has done the one thing that would allow that to happen.  He banned cruise lines from requiring passengers to be vaccinated. 

As pointed out in a Washington Post article on the subject (paywall link), the second part is all for show.  A lawyer quoted in the article called it 

Political grandstanding 100 percent.  This is not driven from a motivation of safety.  If the motivation were safety, you would say, "of course everyone has to be vaccinated." It's kowtowing to a small minority that are really a vocal base for him.

Specifically it's the base whose members call the disease fake and are free-riding off the rest of us who have gotten our vaccinations. God forbid there should be any consequence that would threaten their God-given right to be stupid. 

DeSantis likes poking the federal government, in this case the CDC, in the eye.  He has filed a lawsuit against their rules requiring 95% of cruise passengers to be vaccinated. Because it's not up to the CDC to, y'know, pass rules protecting public health. That goes for Florida schools too!

DeSantis will lose on this one because the federal rules trump Florida rules. He probably knows this, but his COVIDiot base will love him for tilting at the windmill, and that's the real point.

Image by Ed Judkins from Pixabay 

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