This Might Be Actual Evidence of Vaccine Evil-Doing by Bill Gates


Bill Gates has been the target of a lot of crackpot vaccine conspiracy theories.  One of the more mundane ones is that he created the SARS-CoV-2 virus so he could make money selling vaccine. Because he doesn't have enough money already?

Another one says he created the virus so everybody would need to get vaccinated. This would give him the opportunity to use the injections to insert microchips into us.  For some reason that is never really explained.

And that doesn't even cover the field.  He's been called to voodoo doll of conspiracy theorists. Gates claims he was "very surprised" by these theories. Really?  You'd think he would expect something like this after he was accused in 2018, well before the pandemic, of having a plan to depopulate the planet.

But a recent essay in The New Republic criticizes Gates in a way that is based more on things that might have, y'know, actually happened. It claims that Gates undermined efforts by the World Health Organization to unite the world in a cooperative, open-science effort to develop and distribute vaccines. 

The result is that we wound up with a conventional response—i.e., rich countries helping pharma companies develop proprietary vaccines that they sell to the rest of the world at a profit.  

You can read the article for all the detailed arguments. But this is at least one case where criticism of Gates is based on possible actual facts and not the moronic fantasies of of anti-vaxxers and inhabitants of MAGAstan.

Image by Corona-zona

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