Big Surge in Florida Makes DeSantis Look Stupid

Back in February I had a post about Florida Governor and all around douche-nozzle Ron DeSantis bragging about how his do-nothing approach to the virus had resulted in no worse outcomes than California.  What a difference two months makes!

Yesterday, local media in Florida were reporting about record new infections and positivity rate. The state is not as bad the Upper Midwest, but it's close, and its definitely an anomaly in the Southeast.  Here is today's new cases map from the CDC:

That's a new case rate in Florida of 183.8 per 100K, 7-day average.  It's not as bad as Michigan (510.5), but it's closing in on Pennsylvania (234.5) and New York minus NYC (235.6).

How is the comparison with California holding up?  Here is a graph of new cases per 100K 7-day average I made with data collected from the CDC's Socrata API:

Two days ago (latest available data from CDC) the difference was over 3x. I pray that a reporter will shove a microphone in Gov. Florida Man's face and ask him if he still thinks his policies have been as effective as California's.

Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay 

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