Idahoans Hold Mask Burning Event Featuring Children

Last Friday a group of COVIDiots held a mask-burning in Boise, the state capitol. Not content to merely be stupid themselves, these people got their kids in on the act, teaching them to be stupid as well. Nice! 

There was a Facebook post claiming such an event in another Idaho town, but the post was gone by the time I got there.  

The organizer of the event, the wife of a state legislator, was quoted as saying

We're not against face masks. You know, some people might need to protect themselves. There are certain portions of the population that are elderly ... they have issues. For healthy-bodied people, we want to go back to work. Our livelihoods have been put in jeopardy because of all the executive orders and mandates.

Hmm.  I'm not quite sure how you claim not to be against face masks when you're sponsoring a mask burning event.  Also, nobody's livelihood is placed in jeopardy because of a mask mandate.

Twitter users were generally horrified by the spectacle. One rightly pointed out that burning polypropylene releases toxic gasses, and it's not good for anyone to be around such fires.  

According to the EPA, combustion products include formaldehyde, formic acid, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid and other aldehydes and acids. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, acetaldehyde is a suspected carcinogen, and formic acid is what ants spray on invaders to defend their nests.   

Great idea to have your kids breathe that stuff in. Lack of exposure to toxic substances is probably putting their livelihoods in jeopardy.

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