AZ Pandemic in Numbers for the Week Ending March 6
Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers for the week ending March 6:
Unlike last week (when positive tests showed a very slight increase), this all the numbers are headed in the right direction. However, decreases in cases are notably smaller than in previous weeks, in the single digits or less, even though vaccinated percentages are increasing.
This is especially worrisome given that Governor Ducey ate the marshmallow on Friday and lifted all capacity limits on businesses. He claimed on Twitter that our mitigation measures are "targeted and data driven," but you have to wonder if this data includes data from the last two weeks.
New cases per 100K 7-day average is essentially flat. In the graph below from the ASU Biodesign dashboard, there is continued evidence of a stall in Maricopa County, and perhaps the beginning of a new increase. Also something bad is happening in Yavapai County. Could it be one of those variants got loose up there? Or is this another ADHS reporting anomaly? In any case, I would not look at these numbers and conclude that now is a good time to take our foot off the brake.
Here is the vaccine accelerometer for this week:Top Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay