AZ Pandemic in Numbers for the Week Ending Feb 13
Here are Arizona pandemic numbers for the week ending February 13:
Vaccination Pace Improving
This week the governor announced that that state has put over over a million doses in a million arms. And it shows in an upward swing in this week's Vaccination Accelerometer:
Despite the increase, Arizona is not going a good job of vaccinating minority groups. According to this report, blacks and Latinos make up 35% of the state's population, but have received only 9% of the vaccinations. The ADHS director attributes this partly to the focus on certain occupation groups at the beginning.
Update 2/14/21
This post was updated at 1:13 MST to reflect a corrected accelerometer graph.
Update 2/21/21
The data table was updated to
correct a calculation error in statewide new cases.
Top Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay