AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending May 10: This is the Last of These Updates

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending Wednesday: Everything is looking good, except a 29% increase in COVID-19 hospital beds. That is still within what has been normal variation since the beginning of the year, so nothing to get too excited about. Deaths are up, but those numbers from from AzHDS, which as we know does not have reliable reporting practices. Given all of this, and given that the COVID-19 public health emergency ended yesterday , this is a good time to end these updates and retire the blog. I will continue to keep an eye on numbers and restart if it looks like a new wave is brewing, but I hope that is not necessary. Some of you have posted comments on the AZ Coronavirus subreddit saying you found these updates helpful for knowing when to take precautions. I'm happy to know this, because it has taken some work! If you want to monitor things on your own going forward...